Japanese Cedar vs. Western Red Cedar: Choosing the Right Wood for Your Fence

Texas Select Fencing
September 3, 2023
5 min read

Appearance and Aesthetic Appeal:

Japanese Cedar:

  • Radiates an elegant and refined appearance with its warm reddish-brown hue.
  • Features a straight grain pattern that adds to its visual appeal.
  • Develops a beautiful patina over time, enhancing its charm.
  • Sticker marks from when the wood was bundled to dry.

Western Red Cedar:

  • Boasts a natural, rustic aesthetic with its rich reddish-brown to light pinkish-brown color.
  • Exhibits a prominent grain pattern that lends a unique character to the wood.
  • Ages gracefully, transforming into a silver-gray patina over the years.

Durability and Resistance:

Japanese Cedar:

  • Naturally resistant to rot and decay, thanks to the presence of natural oils and tannins.
  • Exhibits resistance to insects like termites.
  • Suitable for humid climates, maintaining its structural integrity.

Western Red Cedar:

  • Shares the same natural resistance to decay and insects.
  • Contains natural preservatives that enhance durability.
  • Thrives in moist environments and is resilient against fungal decay.


Japanese Cedar:

  • Typically more budget-friendly than Western Red Cedar.
  • Provides an economical choice for fence projects without compromising quality.

Western Red Cedar:

  • Often considered a premium wood, which can result in higher fencing costs.
  • Valued for its quality and visual appeal.

Environmental Considerations:

Japanese Cedar:

  • Often grown in plantations, reducing the pressure on natural forests.
  • Supports sustainable forestry practices and lessens the impact on biodiversity.

Western Red Cedar:

  • Frequently harvested from old-growth forests, raising concerns about deforestation and habitat disruption.

Applications for Fencing:

Japanese Cedar:

  • Suitable for a wide range of fence styles, from modern to traditional.
  • Provides an elegant and contemporary appearance for your fence project.

Western Red Cedar:

  • Popular for both contemporary and rustic fence designs.
  • Offers a warm and inviting aesthetic that complements various architectural styles.


Choosing between Japanese Cedar and Western Red Cedar for your fence project hinges on your aesthetic preferences, budget, and environmental considerations. Japanese Cedar offers an elegant and modern look, affordability, and sustainable sourcing, making it an excellent choice for contemporary fence designs. On the other hand, Western Red Cedar exudes a timeless charm, remarkable workability, and a traditional appeal, perfect for those seeking a classic fence design.

Consider your specific fencing needs, style preferences, and project budget when deciding between these two remarkable woods. Both Japanese Cedar and Western Red Cedar can help you create a fence that not only enhances the beauty of your property but also withstands the test of time with grace and durability.

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